Search Results

Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Protestant""
Stellet Light (Silent Light) A deeply spiritual drama set in rural Mexico about a Mennonite farmer, adultery, and the grace of God.
William Sloane Coffin: An American Prophet Inspiring documentary on the life and ministry of a progressive Christian minister.
Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony A stirring documentary that salutes the formidable role black liberation music played in the long and arduous struggle against apartheid in South Africa.
Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President A rollicking documentary about the former president's love of music and hospitality to musicians.
First Reformed A slow movie classic which explores a rainbow mix of religious and spiritual themes.
As It Is in Heaven An astonishing Swedish drama about a church choir and its creative director who take a meaningful and loving journey together.
Albert Schweitzer: Called to Africa An inspiring tribute to an extraordinary humanitarian and his vision of reverence for all life.
Save Me A film with the potential to build bridges of understanding between gays and the Religious Right.
Come Early Morning A drama where transformation is the holy grail sought by a woman determined to change her life.
Directors' Statement on Jesus Camp The film directors' commentary on two parallel Americas.